
Blog Posts

Ponder God’s Wisdom as Mary Did

“Mary surpassed all others in wisdom, because her intimate union with Christ was the measure and sum of her enlightenment. She is truly the Seat of Wisdom, because she was the living tabernacle of the God of infinite wisdom.”

For Reflection:            � Though I am not the seat of wisdom, in a certain way, I become a seat of wisdom each time I receive the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For those precious few moments, I, too, become a tabernacle of the God of infinite wisdom. I will ponder this great truth and journal my reflection.

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Women of Grace: The Courageous Legacy of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity died on March 7, 203

The annals of the Church are full of examples of courageous Catholic women, but few can rival the tale of a young nursing mother and a pregnant woman who showed such fierce courage in the face of death that even the hardest Roman soldiers were brought to their knees.

The story of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, whose feast we celebrate today, was recorded by the hand of Perpetua herself as well as others who knew the women. This account, known as "The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity," was so popular in the early centuries that it was often read during liturgies.

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Nurse Complains About Uninsured Birth Control at Catholic Hospital

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The pro-contraception lobby is continuing to present alleged victims of the Church's fight over the government's plan to force them to offer insurance that covers birth control, with the latest being a nurse in a Catholic hospital who claims she plans to stay on her parent's insurance policy because her birth control is too expensive and her health plan doesn't cover it.

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Believe that Nothing is Impossible with God

“If God should choose a soul in which to accomplish an extraordinary work, He is in no way bound to enlighten the soul so that it may understand the means whereby the work will be accomplished. But He does condescend to ask that soul’s generous correspondence with Him…”

For Reflection:             

How does this quote apply to Our Lady? How does it apply to me? On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extent do I believe nothing is impossible with God? To what extent do I believe this is true in my own life?

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Blasphemous New Sit Com Degrades Women & Christianity

In spite of the fury that surrounded the announcement of the anti-Christian sitcom, Good Christian Bi----s, ABC only agreed to change the name to GCB but went ahead with the launch of the raunchy new series that not only uses the "b-word" to denigrate women but blasphemes Christianity as well.

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