
Blog Posts

Feast of St. Mark

April 25
Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist
“The Church, which has spread everywhere, even to the ends of the earth, received the faith from the apostles and their disciples."
-St. Irenaeus
Today's Reflection
Dear St. Mark, Thank you for your faithfulness to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Through your obedience, I have received faith. Through your docility, I have received strength. Help me to live the Gospel message, experience the Gospel message, and pass the Gospel message on to others. Please pray for me. Amen.

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What is This Strange Bundle of “Sticks” Under My Daughter’s Bed?

DG writes: “Help! I found a strange bundle of sticks in my daughter’s room. They were tied together with a twine string and had a crystal attached. I found them hidden in a shoebox under her bed. I’m afraid they might be associated with witchcraft. Do you know what they are?”

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Feast of St. Fidelis

April 24

Feast of St. Fidelis, Priest and Martyr

“In addition to this charity, he was faithful in truth as well as in name. His zeal for defending the Catholic faith was unsurpassed and he preached it tirelessly.”

-From a eulogy for St. Fidelis



Today's Reflection

We need more of St. Fidelis in our midst today. Given the circumstances of my life, how can I respond to this need?

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Judge Rules Against Atheist “Prayer” in U.S. House

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A decision rendered on Good Friday by a D.C. federal appeals court has ruled that Father Patrick Conroy, chaplain at the U.S. House of Representatives, does not have to allow an atheist to deliver their daily prayer.

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CA Aims to Make Students “Walking Billboards” for Abortion Industry

Two new laws that are currently moving through California’s state legislature will mandate that a “sexual or reproductive health hotline” number be printed on all student IDs and that public colleges in the state provide chemical abortion services to students.

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CA Supreme Court Suspends Baby Parts Hearing

A preliminary hearing involving the pro-life videographer who published videos of abortion industry executives bartering for aborted baby body parts has been “suspended until further notice” by the California Supreme Court on the grounds of political bias and selective prosecution.

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Be brave!

April 23

Feast of St. George, Martyr (280-303)

“As for Saint George, he was consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Armed with the invincible standard of the cross, he did battle with an evil king and acquitted himself so well that, in vanquishing the king, he overcame the prince of all wicked spirits, and encouraged other soldiers of Christ to perform brave deeds in his cause.” -From a homily of St. Peter Damien on St. George


Today's Reflection

Could I be called “St. Georgette” today? In what way do I emulate St. George?

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