September 24
"Let each look to himself and see what God wants of him and attend to this, leaving all else alone."
~Blessed Henry Suso
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September 23
"He who wills only what God wills, possesses all that he desires. For whatever happens to him, happens by the Will of God."
~St. Alphonsus Liguori
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TC writes: "
I have a question about Bach Flower Remedies. I am trying to find out if these remedies are considered New Age. I have a few books book about them which state that it “treats the individual not the symptoms / or disease. They work on an emotional condition of the person concerned.” “The effect of taking the remedies is not to suppress negative attitudes but transforms them into positive ones, stimulating self-healing.” Can you let me know what the Church teaches about this product?"
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September 22
"I will see the hand of God in all that happens to me, attributing nothing to individual people, who are but instruments used by Him in the work of my sanctification."
~Blessed Raphaela Mary
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CD from Ireland writes: "
I was at your conference in Knock recently on the new age issues. I would be grateful of you could tell me if you know anything about 'Align Somatics'? Someone recently recommended it but I'm not sure - there is very little info on it and I'm therefore hesitant. Please advise me."
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The Pew Research Center recently released a poll showing an alarming decrease in the number of Americans who consider themselves to be Christian, but a more focused poll conducted on Catholics in America produced much more hopeful results.
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September 21
I worship Thee, sweet will of God!
And all Thy ways adore,
And every day I live I seem
To love Thee more and more.
Thou wert the end, the blessed rule
Of Jesu's toils and tears;
Thou wert the passion of His heart
Those three and thirty years.
~Father Faber
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GM asks: "
What is flame meditation, and what does the fact that my psychology professor does it tell me about her (as well as her denial of absolute truth)?"
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September 20
"A broken heart and God's will done would be better than that God's will should be avoided."
~R. H. Benson
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A few weeks ago someone called into our radio show to ask if a book entitled
Jesus Calling, written by Sarah Young is okay for a Catholic to read.
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