
Blog Posts

Trump to Marchers: “You are Special, Special People!”

President Donald J. Trump made history today by being the first sitting president to address the March for Life. While standing in the Rose Garden, flanked by a large group of young families, he told the marchers that the annual event was a movement “born out of love” and called the thousands of marchers, “special, special people.”

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76% of Americans Want Stricter Abortion Laws

The hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans who converged on Washington today for the 45th annual march for life have a lot to celebrate as a new poll reveals that nearly a strong majority of Americans are now in favor of stricter limits on abortion.

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Planned Parenthood Slammed for MLK Day Tweet

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Anyone still wondering if Planned Parenthood and its radical abortion agenda are out-of-touch with mainstream America need only view the backlash the organization received this week after sending out a glowing tweet about Martin Luther King, Jr. in spite of the fact that their founder strove to eliminate the Black population!

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Facebook Blocks Crowdfunding Site for Pro Life Movie

Outrage is growing after Facebook blocked a crowdfunding site for a theatrical drama aimed at telling the true story of the Roe v. Wade decision that established a right to abortion and led to the extermination of 60 million Americans.

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Is Planned Parenthood’s Ship Sinking?

Analysis of the latest annual report from Planned Parenthood found that in spite of making $1.46 billion in income, the nation’s largest abortion provider is experiencing massive losses of clientele and increasing facility closures.

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SCOTUS Orders Response from Abortion Lobby

The U.S. Supreme Court has given the abortion lobby until January 26 to respond to a petition filed by attorneys for pro-life activist David Daleiden asking to reverse the gag order that is preventing Daleiden from releasing more damning videos exposing the trafficking of human body parts throughout the abortion industry.

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Make This the Year You March for Life!

March for Life 2018 is only weeks away and in addition to an impressive line up of speakers, local bishops have extended a plenary indulgence to anyone attending the March who meets the usual requirements.

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Chinese Couple Finds Daughter They Were Forced to Give Up

The story of the reunion of a Chinese couple with the baby girl they were forced to give up for adoption in 1995 proves that not even China’s tyrannical one-child policy can keep parents away from the children they love.

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