
Blog Posts

Why Late-Term Abortion Support is Becoming Political Suicide

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Leaders of the pro-abortion movement are furious at New York Times opinion columnist David Brooks who wrote a hard-hitting memo warning the Democratic party that support for late-term abortion and even Roe v. Wade is doing nothing more than stocking state legislatures with pro-life Republicans and keeping the party out of sync with most Americans.

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India’s Missing Women

Due to rampant sex selective abortions and a culture fixated on producing sons, a new government survey has found that India now has 63 million fewer women than it should and another 21 million “unwanted girls” who are often denied even the most basic needs.

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Here’s Who Voted Against Sparing the Unborn Excruciating Pain

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

By a vote of 51-46, the U.S. Senate failed to garner enough votes to proceed with the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, with all but three Democrats voting to allow the unborn to be aborted even after the point when they are capable of feeling the pain of the procedure.

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Women Sour on Egg-Freez Fad

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The young woman who championed the idea of professional women freezing their eggs so that they could become mothers after meeting their career goals, found out the hard way that there’s only one true Author of life – and He has His own plan.

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Senate Poised to Vote on 20 Week Abortion Ban!

It’s time to light up the switchboard on Capitol Hill after Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will begin debate on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protect Act on Monday, with a vote to follow sometime next week.

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The Deadly Tenure of Cecile Richards to End Soon

                                             Cecile Richards (YouTube)

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

On this feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, we’re reminded that God can convert even the hardest hearts. We can only hope this will be the case with Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, who is planning to step down after 12 years overseeing a company that has cost the life of more than seven million Americans.

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Courageous Mother Wins War with Twitter

Imagine scrolling through your Twitter feed one day and suddenly coming across a picture of your own disabled child being used in a promotion for abortion. That’s what happened to this North Carolina mother and she went to war over it, eventually bringing the social media giant to its knees.

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House Votes to Protect Abortion Survivors

While the furor of the government shutdown was distracting the attention of most Americans, the U.S. House passed an important bill that will protect babies who are born alive after an abortion attempt.

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Why Angry Women Are Losing This Battle

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Forty-five years after the passage of Roe v. Wade opened the door to a holocaust that took the lives of more than 60 million Americans, the abortion industry and its disingenuous messaging is in enough of a decline that an annual march full of angry women pushing progressive causes will not be enough to save it.

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