
Blog Posts

Was This Woman Medically Kidnapped?

Can a person be "medically kidnapped"? This is the question being asked by attorneys at the Life Legal Defense Foundation who are working with the daughter of an elderly Alabama woman who has been forced into hospice care by the state – even though she is not terminally ill - and put under the control of a third-party guardian.

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Abortion Industry Suffers Big Loss in Court

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals delivered a major setback to Planned Parenthood when it ruled against the abortion industry’s attempt to stop implementation of a new rule regarding Title X family planning that prohibit taxpayer money from being used by clinics that support abortion.

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State of Missouri Refuses to Renew Abortion Clinic License

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Even though a judge ruled on Friday to keep the last abortion clinic in Missouri open temporarily, the state is refusing to budge on its demands that the clinic must meet regulatory standards before its license can be renewed.

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Babies Born Alive After Abortion Used in Grisly Experiments

New horrors about the shadowy world of baby parts trafficking have come to light after famed pro-life videographer David Daleiden found evidence that researchers are shipping babies born alive after late-term abortions to laboratories where they are killed and their organs harvested.

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Pro-Life Videographer Faces Huge Fine for Exposing Baby Parts Trafficking

Pro-life videographer, David Daleiden, who exposed the abortion industry’s involvement in the buying and selling of baby parts from aborted fetuses, has been ordered to pay a $195,000 fine for publishing the damning videos.

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Last Abortion Clinic in MO Gets Two More Weeks

A Circuit Court judge in St. Louis has given Planned Parenthood permission to continue performing abortions in the last clinic in the state in spite of the fact that safety concerns are preventing the clinic’s license from being renewed.

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Authorities Fail to Curb Ever-Worsening STD Epidemic

The promotion of promiscuity through comprehensive sex education and condom-distribution campaigns is continuing to fuel an STD epidemic that is now seeing more than one million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and diseases (STDs) every year.

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Let’s Boycott Netflix!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Netflix has not only joined other elites of the entertainment industry who are threatening to boycott Georgia after it passed a law protecting the unborn, but their promise to help  efforts to overturn the law has spurred pro-life citizens into immediate action.

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Bishop’s Decree: No Communion for Catholic Pols Who Voted for Abortion Bill

Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois has issued an official decree declaring that any Catholic politician who voted for a pair of radical pro-abortion laws recently passed in the state must refrain from receiving Communion until they have been reconciled with Christ and the Church.

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HHS Cuts Funding for Research Involving Aborted Fetal Tissue

The prolife movement scored a major victory yesterday when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it is discontinuing a contract that provides funds for research involving fetal tissue procured from elective abortions.

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