
Blog Posts

Pro-Lifers Teach Snarky Abortion Supporter a Lesson

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Last month, an abortion-supporting social media editor for a large newspaper took to Twitter to taunt pro-life activists about how much they “personally” do to support single mothers with children. She got taught a lesson she’ll never forget.

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Justice Ginsburg Offends Women Who Miscarry

Women who have lost their babies to miscarriage have taken offense to a comment made by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a recent ruling on Indiana's abortion laws that women who lose their child to abortion are not mothers. What about those who lose their child to miscarriage? The following heartbreaking testimony, from Priests for Life youth director, Bryan Kemper, describes just how wrong Ginsburg is in her assessment of when motherhood begins.

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How Planned Parenthood Dupes Women into Believing They Care

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Did you ever wonder why women continue to fall for Planned Parenthood’s disingenuous drivel? An interview that aired this week with Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen about the impending closure of Missouri's only abortion clinic is the prefect example of how artfully women are being deceived by both the abortion industry and their lackeys in the mainstream media.

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SCOTUS Upholds Part of Indiana’s Abortion Law

A ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday upheld a portion of an Indiana law requiring that fetal remains be disposed of properly, but declined to take up the challenge about blocking abortions on the basis of sex, race or disability – for now.

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Scientist: Choosing Embryos According to IQ Coming Soon

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The commodification of human life is spiraling toward a new low as a leading US scientists claims that it will soon be feasible to rank embryos according to their potential IQ, enabling couples to pick the “smartest” child and discard those that don’t measure up.

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French Court Orders Man’s Life Support Resumed

Just hours after a French hospital withdrew nutrition and hydration to a young man who has been in a vegetative state since a motorcycle accident in 2008, a French court intervened and ordered the hospital to restore life support.

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Historic Drop in US Fertility Rates Except Among Churchgoers

Provisional figures just released from the Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics found that the U.S. fertility rate has hit an all-time low of 1.7 with only churchgoing Americans defying the downward trend.

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Abortion Clinic At Center of Firestorm Has History of Failed Inspections

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The Planned Parenthood clinic where Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims claimed to be defending women by harassing pro-life protestors has a history of state health and safety violations.

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Abp. Chaput Calls Out Lawmaker Who Harassed ProLife Citizens

How could a lawmaker who calls himself a "champion of women" do so after filming himself harassing women who were peacefully praying outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic? So asked Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles J. Chaput in a hard-hitting statement wherein he called the outrageous conduct of Rep. Brian Sims (D) “unbecoming of an elected official.”

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More Backlash for PA State Rep Who Harassed Pro-Lifers

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Talk about an epic fail! If Democratic Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims thinks his troubles are over after offering a "sorry-not-sorry" apology for his outrageous harassment of a woman and several teens for praying outside an abortion clinic, he is sorely mistaken. Officials have requested a criminal investigation of his conduct and the father of the teen girls he tried to expose issued an ultimatum that is making Sims' fundraising efforts blow up in his face.

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