
Blog Posts

The New Age/Occult Roots of the 5Rhythms

Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) (YouTube) Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012)

We have received a question from a reader about a form of trance dancing known as the 5Rhythms. Is it New Age? And are there any connections to the occult?

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Johnnette to Co-host Historic Convocation for EWTN

Johnnette Benkovic and Dr. Jonathon Reyes                         Johnnette Benkovic and Dr. Jonathon Reyes

Johnnette Benkovic will serve as co-host of EWTN’s coverage of the historic convocation of Catholic leaders who are coming together in Orlando, Florida next weekend to come up with ways to bring the joy of the Gospel into the fabric of our nation.

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Fortnight for Freedom 2017 Underway!

church steeple flagToday’s feast of the martyrdom of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher marks the beginning of 10 days which have been set aside to focus on religious freedom issues both here and abroad.

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June 22

June 22

 Feast of St. Paulinus of Nola (355-431)

What I have I give thee; we will go to Africa, and I will give myself for your son."

                                                                               --St. Paulinus of Nola to a widow

whose only son was taken into

slavery by the son-in-law

of a Vandal king

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Judge Drops Charges Against Pro-Life Journalists

david daleidenIn what is being hailed as a huge victory for the pro-life cause, a California court tossed out 14 of the 15 felony charges filed against pro-life activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt after they released videos of abortion industry workers engaged in the trafficking of fetal body parts.

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Experts Release List of Top 10 Summer Safety Traps for Children

bounce houseSummer officially kicks off today, and the Boston-based watchdog group, World Against Toys Causing Harm (WATCH) has released its annual list of the top ten safety traps parents need to be aware of as their children prepare for a summer of fun.

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Wonder Woman Alleged Pay Gap is Misinformation!

Lauren Duca (Linked In) Lauren Duca (Linked In)

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Lauren Duca, Teen Vogue’s celebrated columnist, caused a firestorm on Twitter yesterday after saying Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot was paid 46 times less than Man of Steel star Henry Cavill. The only problem is that Duca is dead wrong.

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What is my "Hammer"?

June 21

June 23

Feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga

I am but a crooked piece of iron and have come into religion to be made straight by the hammer of mortification and penance.

                                                                        -St. Aloysius Gonzaga

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Rosaries Made of Crystals are Not Dangerous

warriorsrosariesA reader writes: “I have a question about whether it is alright to pray with a rosary made of crystals? A Carmelite order in the USA, the Sisters of Carmel, offers a custom rosary making service and it is possible to select semi-precious stones like amethyst or jade for a beautiful and unique rosary. Is there anything dangerous or New Age about praying with such a rosary?”

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Cardinal Calls London Mosque Attack Appalling

cardinal vincent nicholsAn attempt to mass-murder Muslims in London this past weekend by a man who drove a van into worshipers outside a mosque is being denounced worldwide, with Westminster’s Cardinal Vincent Nichols saying violence brews violence and is not the answer to terrorism.

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