
Blog Posts

Rest a While

July 22

There are two parts of the Gospel today that really spoke to my heart: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” and “When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” Although these lines don’t follow one after another, they can easily be read together.

Basically, in order for us to teach others and evangelize according to His call, we have to make sure our own spiritual cup is full. Meaning, we cannot help anyone if we haven’t first taken care of ourselves.

How do we do this? Practically speaking, we actually rest, just like Jesus tells His disciples to. We make sure every bit of our health is taken care of- we eat healthy, we sleep, we exercise, we pray. Now, for us to be able to really evangelize and lead others to God, we have to know and love Him ourselves first! And part of resting is resting “in Him”. We must retreat each day, even if for a short period of time, to allow Him to fill our hearts and souls. We must study His life, we must communicate with Him, we must invite Him on this journey. Finally, ask Him who He is calling you to encounter and walk with. Each soul requires a unique form of loving. But if you listen, He will tell you exactly what He wants you to do at just the right moment.

Then, and only then, can we truly help those who are lost, with Him as our shepherd.


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The Grace of Healing

July 22

"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."
-2 Timothy 2:20-21 (RSV)

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He Withdrew from that Place

July 21

“The Pharisees went out and took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. When Jesus realized this, he withdrew from that place.”

When you think of the Pharisees out to get Jesus and how He responds, are you left wondering what you do when someone is out to harm you, specifically, spiritually? Let me explain.

Our lives involve continual interactions with others, some good and some not so good. We encounter all sorts of people in our day to day lives: family, friends, coworkers, strangers. And in those interactions, we are bound to face sin at some point. Throughout the day, we are tempted, although these temptations vary from person to person. Gossip, criticism, anger, judgment, lying... and what about those temptations we face when we are all alone? Despair, hopelessness, fear, lust, gluttony? Do we run from these things that threaten our lives, the state of our souls, or do we give in?

Jesus knew what the Pharisees were up to, and He fled. He still had work to do that depended on His very life. God has assigned each of us gifts, tasks, and callings. We aren’t done until He says so. The next time your soul is in jeopardy, ask Him for the courage and RUN to Him... and don’t look back!

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July 21
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "the human person, created in the image and likeness of God, is a being at once corporeal and spiritual" (#362).  That is, we are comprised of a body and soul.  "In sacred Scripture the term 'soul' often refers to human life or the entire human person" (#363).

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If you Knew

July 20

“I say to you, something greater than the temple is here.”

How surprised do you think the Pharisees must have been when they heard Jesus say the above words? What could be greater than the temple? Of course, we know the answer, but how do you think they reacted? How often, though, are we like the Pharisees! That BIG line, “if you knew...”, applies just as much to us as it did to them. There is so much we don’t know, so much we can’t know, all because of our littleness. We aren’t HIM! So we don’t see everything that goes on supernaturally. And part of that is simply that we just don’t get it sometimes. And guess what? That’s really just the way it’s supposed to be.

The good news? We have a loving God that knows SO much more than we could fathom comprehending. And our embrace of our smallness humbles us enough to “know His voice and follow Him.”

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Old Nature

July 20
"For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.  All these evil things come from within, and they defile a man."
- Mark 7:21-23

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The Prayer Webinar: Your Questions Answered

We have had quite a bit of interest in our upcoming series of webinars on prayer which will take place on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. EST beginning August 7 and running through September 11. People are wondering if they can skip a class, where they will get their homework assignments, how they will connect to the webinar, etc. The following will answer some of these questions.

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The Desire of Our Souls

July 19

“Your name and your title are the desire of our souls. My soul yearns for you in the night, yes, my spirit within me keeps vigil for you... Salvation we have not achieved for the earth, the inhabitants of the world cannot bring it forth.”

The reading today from Isaiah defines the glory of God so perfectly. It is a clear testament to His power and points ardently to our smallness.

My favorite line “my spirit within me keeps vigil for you” stirs within my heart the desires that only He can fill. Have you ever recognized or felt that place within your being that is reserved for God yet you don’t invite Him in? I remember going on retreat once and telling the retreat leader that there was this really intense sting within my entire being that I could not get rid of; it was a perpetual mimic of nails on a chalkboard. That recognition, which only existed because of His grace, was the start of so many changes in my life, which ultimately led me to where I am now.

What is it that you try and quench that big void with, that space that belongs solely to Him? Ask Him to take over and to fill your spirit as you keep vigil.

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Only St. Patrick’s Cathedral Allows Filming of Pro-Life Documentary in NYC

Filming of a new documentary, Roe v. Wade: The Untold Story, aimed at revealing the lies and media distortions that surrounded the controversial Supreme Court decision was refused permission to film at iconic New York City locations such as the Statue of Liberty and the Plaza Hotel. Only St. Patrick’s Cathedral allowed the filmmakers to use their premises.

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