
Blog Posts

Deadly Dichotomy: "Pro-Choice" Women Fight for Rights that Have Destroyed 23 Million Females

Image by Congerdesign at Pixabay.

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

All of those women who parade through the streets in support of “choice” and radical late-term abortion policies need to stop calling themselves champions of women’s rights, especially not after a new study found that the very “reproductive rights” they fight for are what has cost the lives of 23 million females across the globe.

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New Bills Seek Funding for Planned Parenthood's Sex Ed Program

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Planned Parenthood has joined forces with the new pro-abortion leadership in the U.S.House to introduce two new bills that seek funding for sex ed programs that promote transgenderism, “safe sex” play, Bondage and Sadomachism among our nation’s youth.

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New Rule Protects Conscience Rights of Health Care Workers

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced the issuance of a new rule that protects the rights of individuals and health care entities who do not wish to participate in the provision of services such as abortion, sterilization or assisted suicide that violate their religious beliefs.

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Dutch Law Recognizes Aborted Babies as Legal Persons

In a gesture meant to bring closure to couples who suffered the loss of a stillborn child, the Netherlands is now allowing these grieving parents to register their child in the Personal Records Database. However, after a young woman was permitted to register the child she aborted at 14 weeks, experts say this could lead to a whole new conversation about abortion.

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CA Aims to Make Students “Walking Billboards” for Abortion Industry

Two new laws that are currently moving through California’s state legislature will mandate that a “sexual or reproductive health hotline” number be printed on all student IDs and that public colleges in the state provide chemical abortion services to students.

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CA Supreme Court Suspends Baby Parts Hearing

A preliminary hearing involving the pro-life videographer who published videos of abortion industry executives bartering for aborted baby body parts has been “suspended until further notice” by the California Supreme Court on the grounds of political bias and selective prosecution.

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Social Media Execs Grilled on Censorship of Pro Life Viewpoint

The outrage that ensued after Twitter inexplicably suspended the Unplanned movie account on its opening weekend not only boosted the film, but resulted in a U.S. Senatorial subcommittee hearing on Wednesday during which social media execs were grilled on evidence of “one-sided discrimination” against the movie and the pro-life viewpoint in general.

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Planned Parenthood Loses $44 Million in Taxpayer Funds

The U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services (HHS) released a list of Title X grants that will no longer include Planned Parenthood affiliates in five states because of their affiliation with abortion, a cut that amounts to a loss of about $44 million in taxpayer funding.

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Woman to Woman: Unplanned Actress Confronts Alyssa Milano

Actress Ashley Bratcher, in the role of Abby Johnson, speaks with clinic workers in the film Unplanned.

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Women are very much at the center of today’s culture wars, and no where is this more evident than in the latest abortion conflagration in Georgia over passage of the "heartbeat" bill. Unplanned star Ashley Bratcher, a resident of the state, decided to use her feminine genius to teach actress Alyssa Milano a lesson about how to fight for women’s rights.

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