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Vigil for Life Homily Destroys Pro-Abortion Talking Points

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City left pro-abortion talking points in tatters last night when he delivered a powerful homily in defense of life at the National Prayer Vigil for Life.

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Plenary Indulgence Granted for Participation in March for Life Activities

Aside from being an exciting, fun, and powerful way to witness to the dignity of human life, those who participate in the National Prayer Vigil for Life and other sacred celebrations surrounding the March for Life in Washington DC tomorrow will also have the opportunity to gain a plenary indulgence.

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On Eve of March, Major Pro-Life Bill Advances in Senate

On the eve of the March for Life, and in the face of aggressive pro-abortion moves by the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has countered by filing a motion to proceed to a cloture vote on a bill that will make long-standing abortion funding restrictions into permanent law.

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9 Days for Life Novena Starts Today!

Intense and focused prayer is desperately needed as our nation approaches one of the saddest days in its history – the passage of Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1973 - a law that has led to the slaughter of more than 60 million Americans.

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Seven Ways to Participate in the March for Life No Matter Where You Are

Not everyone can make the long trek to Washington, DC on January 18 for the March for Life, even though millions of pro-life Americans will sincerely wish they could be there! But there is plenty that can be accomplished from afar that will not only buoy the marchers, but will promote the cause for life and make valuable reparation to God for the grave sin of abortion.

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Prayer Needed for Pivotal Decision at SCOTUS!

Faithful advocates for life need to spend a little extra time in prayer right now as Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court continue to deliberate over whether or not to take on an Indiana pro-life law that would bring the abortion issue before the new Court for the first time.

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Assisted Suicide Makes a Dismal Debut in Hawaii

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Forcing the culture of death onto the general population remains an unpopular choice for politicians. In the same week that Ireland’s new law legalizing abortion got off to a rough start, the state of Hawaii discovered the same problem when it tried to kick off its new assisted suicide law – there just aren’t enough doctors interested in ending lives.

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Majority of Doctors Refuse to Perform Abortions in Ireland

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Despite all the hype surrounding the repeal of Ireland’s abortion ban, the first week of legal abortion in that country found only 179 doctors willing to perform the procedure with the remaining 95 percent saying they want no part in it.

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Pro-Lifers Plan to "Rain on Pelosi Parade" on January 18

The new, pro-abortion majority in the U.S. House of Representatives made a powerful statement on their first day in power by passing a funding bill that would repeal a major pro-life policy. Although it has no hope of being signed into law, this statement must not go unanswered!

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