
Blog Posts

Bishops Ask Governor to Veto Coercive New Abortion Law

Dark skies over state capitol buildings in Olympia, WA

Catholic bishops in the state of Washington are asking Governor Jay Inslee to veto a new bill that will mandate abortion coverage in all health care plans offered in the state that include maternity care and makes no exception for religious institutions.

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Abortion Industry Suffers Setback in Baby Parts Trafficking Case

The abortion industry’s lawsuit against David Daleiden, the citizen journalist who exposed the industry’s trafficking of fetal body parts, was handed a setback last week when a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided to look into allegations of bias against the judge who has been presiding over the case.

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SC Lawmakers Launch Bill to Challenge Roe v. Wade

A South Carolina Senate panel voted in favor of a bill, known as the South Carolina Personhood Act (S.217), that will not only outlaw all abortion in the state but is aimed at setting the stage for a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

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Bishop Bars Catholic Senator from Communion

In response to the fourteen Catholic senators who voted against a bill that would have prohibited abortions at the point when an unborn child can feel pain, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield has barred Senator Richard Durbin from receiving Communion in his diocese.

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Take Action on New HHS Conscience Rule

If you believe that no one should be forced to participate in medical practices such as abortion in violation of their conscience, then you need to make your voice heard by submitting a comment to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in support of a new rule that will insure the protection of conscience rights.

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Catholic Mayor Quits Party Over Abortion Stance

                                Mayor Tom Koch (Twitter)

In an age when too many Catholic politicians are choosing their careers over faithfulness to Church teaching, the Democratic mayor of Quincy, Massachusetts who recently left the party over its extreme abortion position, is a refreshing change.

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The Ultimate Discrimination: “Family Balancing”

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A New Jersey couple, who invested $25K and sacrificed the lives of four other embryos to insure they would have a baby girl, are just one example among many who see nothing wrong with a new trend called “family balancing.”

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