
Blog Posts

Can Practicing Karate be Considered Good Christian Family Time?

AP writes: "A friend of mine from work, Chris, is a practicing Catholic with 5 children.  Before marriage, he was even in the seminary.  He is very orthodox.  He also happens to have a number of black belts in all sorts of martial arts. I have two teenage daughters and and a 11 year old son.  I want them to be able to protect themselves, especially when they go off to college.  Last night, Chris came over and gave us family Karate lessons. I thought it was wonderful.  The stretching and exercising were great.  He talked about the Eucharist.  The only thing that was a little bizarre is that in Okinawan Karate, and I think other Karate, they bow when they enter the dojo. . .

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Why Walking on Hot Coals is Not a Good Idea

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

The ability to walk across burning hot coals is known as firewalking and many a New Age motivational speaker wants us to believe that our mind has the power to enable us to do this. Does this explain why so many people at these events end up with their feet on fire while others walk away unscathed?

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Why the Polyvagal Theory is so Controversial

SMJ: “My therapist recently suggested that he’d like to employ a theoretical therapy based on the polyvagal theory. However, when I looked it up online, a lot of the practitioners were very New Agey and Wikipedia called it ‘unproven’. Is this something I should get involved in?”

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The Cursillo Movement

CD asks: “Our parish has started a group under the Cursillo Movement. I am trying to discern if this is something that would enhance my faith and life at as a catholic.I know that Cursillo is a Spanish word for Short Course as the membership begins with a 3 day weekend retreat (ie short course) and the rest of the movement is focused on  living the 4th Day.  The last Ultreya( regional group reunion) I attended was very uplifting. It is so wonderful to meet so many beautiful souls who love our Lord and strive to grow in His love.  Can you shed some light on this Movement as I have not heard much about it.  . . . I wish to grow in my faith and walk with our Lord in my vocation as a wife and mother of 3 sons aged 17, 19 and 25.”

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The Hijacking of St. Hildegard by New Age Enthusiasts

SM writes: "I read your article about mandalas and how they are prayer 'gimmicks.'  I was just wondering what you think about the artwork (mandalas) of St. Hildegard of Bingen, especially since she is now a Doctor of the Church.  It seems to me that you are saying some of her practices were new age."

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Dr. Daniel Amen Offers Mixed Bag of Tantric Sex, Eye Movement Therapy and Brain Scans

AT writes: "There is something that is bothering me and I hope you have an answer for me. I went to your blog and was surprised by the number of TV personalities that believe in these new age practices.  The name Dr. Daniel Amen jumped out at me. About 5 years ago I went to a Christian counselor who is a follower of Dr. Daniel Amen.  She suggested a therapy to me called EMDR (eye movement desensitization restoration). I did have one EMDR session.  Is this therapy connected to Dr. Amen? If so, is it considered a New Age practice?

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Can I Wear My Loved One’s Ashes in Jewelry?

Anonymous writes: “Someone I know recently told me that loved ones of hers passed away. The family had their ashes split up and placed in jewelry. How can I explain the Catholic view on this for future reference? How can I explain it particularly when it comes to our Catholic faith and relics.”

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A Reality Check for the Metaverse

When the World Wide Web was made public in 1993, it was both celebrated for the technological progress it represented and maligned for its risks of abuse. Almost thirty years later, the advent of the metaverse, which has been called the “internet on steroids,” is inspiring the same mixed bag of reactions.

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Why Church Approval of Apparitions is So Important

It’s Advent, and while the faithful are pondering the mysteries of the First and Second Coming of the Lord, there’s a noticeable uptick in the number of alleged seers who claim to have an inside track on the Apocalypse. Here’s why Church approval of any private revelation is so critical in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from believing in falsehood.

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