LB writes: “Is praying a novena to this saint okay? I’ve read different things about leaving an offering of pound cake and that some people that practice voodoo pray to this saint. So that concerns me and I don’t want to invite the wrong things into my life. I know he has a huge following in Brazil, but given that I’ve read different things about this saint, I wanted to be sure. Is he not considered a true saint because there is no historical record of an actual date of death? Please advise.”
Blog Posts
Reputable Authorities on Catholic Contemplative Tradition
MT asks: “Can you please give me a list of the five to ten top reputable authorities you trust for assessing what is the real Catholic Contemplative Tradition.”
Theophostic Prayer
NM writes: “Thank you for providing this forum on New Age. I have been trying to find information about a type of prayer called Theophostic Prayer, a name coined by Ed Smith, a Protestant counselor who began to use this in his counseling sessions with great results and now he offers training in the technique. . .
Prayer Blankets
EW writes:"I am writing for information about a gift that I received from some Catholic women friends. I have heard them talk about the practice of Reiki and Healing Touch. They are involved with it in the hospital settings. They call it a prayer blanket and they are hand-made from cloth material. It is 17" x 17", the back and front are beautifully quilted. In the front is a centered cross. The prayer blanket comes with a prayer blessing for the one that places it on the part of the body that needs prayer. I heard a priest in his homily that Catholic school children made prayer blankets and sent them to the missions for a school project. Does this have anything to do with the New Age?"
Fr. Keating and the Controversy Surrounding Centering Prayer
By Connie Rossini
Former Trappist Abbot Father Thomas Keating passed away Oct. 25. Father Keating was the primary architect of the centering prayer movement, which has thousands of adherents throughout the world. From the beginning, centering prayer has been surrounded by controversy. What is centering prayer? Is it in keeping with the Catholic tradition? Should Catholics practice it?
Hallow Meditation App is All-Catholic
Mindfulness Meditation
ST asks: "What do you know about 'mindfulness meditation.'™ Is it okay for hospitals to be using it on patients?"
When Eastern Meditation Goes Wrong
What's Wrong with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?
PG writes: "I resigned from my job last year as a mental health LMSW, working in an out patient clinic. We were being trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which in fact, is based on Eastern Mysticism/Buddhism. We were told that we had to take the training and had to use this new mind control therapy on our clients. I knew it was wrong and I could no longer work for this agency. Have you heard of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? It appears to be growing -unfortunately."