After consulting wit several exorcists, Rev. Daniel Reehil, pastor of St. Edward parish in Nashville, Tennessee, made the courageous decision to ban the enormously popular Harry Potter occult-fiction books from the school library. Instead of presenting all the facts about why he made this decision, the biased media is fueling Potter-fan outrage by keeping their reporting as shallow and nondescript as possible.
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There’s always a sense of shock when someone close to us dies. The deeper our love, the more overwhelming our sorrow. That’s especially so when that death was sudden and unexpected.
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A major scientific study involving nearly a half million people, has found that there is no singular genetic marker for homosexuality – a result that experts say is the “nail in the coffin” of the belief that people with same-sex attraction are "born that way."
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The U.S. Bishops have issued a statement calling the faithful to prayer after the August 31 shooting incident in Midland and Odessa, Texas that left seven dead and wounded 22 others, including a 17-month-old baby. This shooting marks the 18th mass shooting in the U.S. in 2019.
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In his book,
Queen of Militants, Father Emil Neubert teaches Christian militants that no attempt to spread the message of salvation to a soul should be attempted without prayer. But once we've done so, he lays out a plan on how to evangelize like Christ in a way that only Mary can teach us.
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As our children head back to school, Enough is Enough, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping children safe in the digital world, is distributing a list generated by law enforcement detailing the 15 most dangerous apps for children.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Within minutes of Planned Parenthood’s announcement on Monday that it was withdrawing from the Title X program due to new pro-life rules, the industry and it’s friends in the media launched an all-out misinformation campaign designed to convince women that the sky is now falling on reproductive health in America.
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Our Lady of Knock Chapel of Apparitions, at Knock Shrine in County Mayo, Ireland (wikimedia)
This August marks the 140th anniversary of an event of the highest spiritual significance for the people of Ireland, and in fact, for the faithful of the world.
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The faithful, including priests and laity, turned out by the hundreds to protest a blasphemous black mass that was held in a heavy metal bar in Ottawa, Canada on Saturday night.
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People watching the sun on October 13, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal (photo courtesy of WikiCommons)
We all know the story of the miraculous apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima and her messages beseeching the world to conversion and devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. However, the little-known impact of these apparitions on the country of Portugal, as recounted by Father Emil Neubert, S.M., S.T.D. in his book, Queen of Militants, reveals a steady stream of miraculous events that led to a dramatic restoration of the faith in that country.
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