
Blog Posts

Babies’ Remains Found in Abortionist’s Garage To be Properly Buried

Indiana’s Attorney General has promised that the remains of 2,246 aborted babies found in the garage of deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopfer will be given proper burials. Bishop Kevin Rhoades of the Archdiocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend has offered to bury the children in any Catholic cemetery in his diocese.

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Man Cleared After Killing Mother Who Had Alzheimer’s

A 53-year-old man, who threw his mother off of a balcony to her death because she was suffering from Alzheimers disease was cleared of murder by a judge who said he “acted out of love” – a decision that is raising troubling new ethical questions.

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Discovery of Fetal Remains Found on Abortionist’s Property Sparks Outrage

The discovery of more than 2,200 preserved fetal remains on the property of the late abortionist Dr. Ulrich George Klopfer has shocked the nation and caused pro-life leaders to demand answers to why these babies were preserved, if their mothers knew that their babies’ remains would be treated like this, and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

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Season 3 of “13 Reasons Why” Markets Abortion to Teens

As if the controversial Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, which focuses on teen suicide, sexual assault, rape and violence isn't bad enough, the show is now incorporating a pro-abortion subplot that whitewashes abortion and makes the pro-life movement look like a bunch of “crazies.”

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Abortion Industry's Hissy-Fit Over Title X is Disservice to Women

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Within minutes of Planned Parenthood’s announcement on Monday that it was withdrawing from the Title X program due to new pro-life rules, the industry and it’s friends in the media launched an all-out misinformation campaign designed to convince women that the sky is now falling on reproductive health in America.

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Millions of Abandoned Embryos Sparks National Crisis

The process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) may result in helping infertile couples conceive, but the price paid for this unnatural procedure is being paid by millions of human embryos that have been created and are now abandoned in a state of frozen limbo in the nation’s storage facilities.

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New Bill Cuts Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Members of the U.S. Senate have introduced legislation aimed at stopping federally-funded research at the National Institutes of Health that use embryonic stem cells.

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Former Planned Parenthood Prez Pens Brutally Honest Op-Ed

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In a hard-hitting opinion piece that appeared in The New York Times, former Planned Parenthood president and chief executive, Leana Wen, MD, made it clear that the reason she was fired from her position was because she was trying to make abortion about health care, not politics. Unfortunately, her colleagues disagreed.

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