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Trump Opts to Fund Maternal Health Rather than Abortion

UNFPA logoThe Trump administration has announced that it will stop funding the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its involvement in China’s forced abortion and sterilization program and will instead redirect the money to an agency that promotes maternal health.

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More Bogus Charges Filed Against Pro-Life Videographer

david daleidenAt the same time that pro-life videographer, David Daleiden, was releasing yet another scandalous video showing the callous disregard for human life in America’s abortion industry, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra charged Daleiden with 15 felony counts related to the secret recordings that proved so damaging to Planned Parenthood.

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Abortionist: Calling Aborted Baby a Baby is “Creepy”

A new undercover video of a longtime Planned Parenthood abortionist features the doctor discussing how to deliver intact fetuses in late-term abortions in order to harvest high quality body parts, how to deal with infants born alive, and how calling these victims “babies” is “creepy.”

A disturbing new video just released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the same organization that exposed the trafficking of fetal body parts in the abortion industry, features Dr. DeShawn Taylor, previous Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Arizona, graphically discussing how to deliver intact fetuses and what to do when they are born alive.

The conversation takes place while she is networking at a reception at a Planned Parenthood conference and is introduced to CMP investigators posing as buyers of fetal tissue. She confirms that she does elective abortions on healthy fetuses up to 24 weeks gestation.

When the investigators ask her about obtaining intact fetal organs, Dr. Taylor replies, “It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact, but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby.”

She continues, “We have the people who do our paperwork for the fetal death certificates, they email us calling them ‘babies’. Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m like, that’s creepy!”

Dr. Taylor goes on to explain: “In Arizona, if the fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed to transport it. To the hospital.” When one investigator then asks, “Is there any standard procedure for verifying signs of of life?” Dr. Taylor replies, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”

Dr. Taylor then laughs as she repeats what the Arizona law requires, and says, “It’s a mess. It’s a mess.”

In a particularly grisly exchange, she acknowledges that the feticidal chemical digoxin, which kills the baby before the abortion takes place, cannot be used in an abortion where fetal body parts will be harvested for sale.

However, Dr. Taylor remarks that in a standard dismemberment dilation and evacuation abortion, “My biceps appreciate when the dig[oxin] works,” to kill the fetus before the procedure.

“I remember when I was a [Family Planning] Fellow and I was training, I was like, Oh, I have to hit the gym for this,” she says, referring to the force she needs to exert when performing a dismemberment abortion with forceps.

Dr. Taylor also seems proud to mention that she was trained by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, the same physician who was caught in a previously released video negotiating per-specimen pricing of fetal tissue and the harvesting of intact hearts, lungs, livers, and brains - all while eating salad and sipping a glass of wine.

“This footage shows a longtime Planned Parenthood abortion doctor willing to sell baby parts for profit, use criminal abortion methods to get more intact body parts, and even cover up infanticide,” says David Daleiden, CMP Project Director.

Even more disturbing is that this is just a preview of the damning and incriminating admissions of Planned Parenthood leaders on further unreleased tapes which are currently being censored by an unconstitutional gag order from a federal judge in San Francisco.

“The only difference between Planned Parenthood’s barbaric abortion business, and that of the notorious Dr. Kermit Gosnell, is that Gosnell was not so careful as to ‘pay attention to who’s in the room'," Daleiden continues. "Elected officials must stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize Planned Parenthood’s criminal abortion business, and the Department of Justice must immediately open a full investigation and prosecute Planned Parenthood to the fullest extent of the law.”

In the United States, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000.

In December, after over a year of comprehensive, nationwide investigation, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America, several of the largest Planned Parenthood affiliates in the country, and three of their fetal parts business associates to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.

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